Yes on 107: Voters Shouldn’t Hear the Ramifications of this Ballot Measure?

Two hours ago, Intellectual Conservative Arizona, who is blogging on behalf of Yes on 107, posted a little “clap back”…

Asian American Groups Speak Out Against Xenophobic Tone of Election Cycle

Here’s a great statement I received today by email: Asian American and Pacific Islander Organizations Express Concern Regarding Xenophobic Rhetoric…

“Yes On 107”: Battered Women’s Shelters Should Be Open to Men

Things that disturb me definitely include having a registered ballot proposition group follow my blogging actions so closely as to…

How Proposition 107 Threatens Battered Women’s Shelters and Breast Cancer Screening Programs

There’s one consensus that both sides of Arizona’s Ballot Proposition 107 can agree on: the effects of passing this ballot…

Taiwanese Animated News’ Evil Chinese Professor Parody: A MotherF*@$ing Talking Panda!

Oh, you know it’s bad when the Taiwanese animated news gals jump into the fray! Check out New Media Animation’s…