Rebranding “American Girl” for actual American girls of today: Ivy Ling & beyond | #OurAGStories

American Girl is a doll line started in 1986 by the Pleasant Company, and which was subsequently acquired by Mattel…

SCOTUS ruling against MA’s abortion clinic buffer zones hinders women’s access to reproductive choice

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled unanimously today that Massachusetts’ abortion clinic buffer zone ruling is unconstitutional. In…

Why I’m glad Jubilee wasn’t in X-Men: Days of Future Past

Earlier last week, Phillip Bouette Jr. — costume concept illustrator for several major blockbuster films including X-Men: Days of Future Past — set…

Study: Anti-Asian racism basis for anti-abortion bans in 8 states | #ReproductiveJustice

Last year, nearly 500 restrictions on abortion and reproductive choice were proposed at the state level nation-wide. Among those abortion restrictions…

Rest in Power, Yuri Kochiyama: A Civil Rights Hero Who Inspired a Generation

I’m hearing reports through my networks that Yuri Kochiyama, the incredible civil rights hero whose life of dedicated work to…

Masculinity vs. “Misogylinity”: what Asian Americans can learn from #UCSB shooting | #YesAllWomen

On Friday evening in the residential neighbourhood of Isla Vista in Santa Barbara, California, 22-year-old Elliot Rodger stabbed his three…