Asian American US Civil Rights Commissioners Issue Statement on Harvard Affirmative Action Complaint | #Edu4All

Today, a group of between 40 and 50 Asian American organizations will hold two coordinated press conferences in Washington DC and…

135+ AANHPI Organizations Come Together In Support of Affirmative Action | #Edu4All

Last year, California was poised to return affirmative action to the state’s institutions of higher education via a state constitutional amendment…

May 3: The Overlooked Battle Against Depression and Suicide Among SE Asian Americans | #APAHM2015 #ReappropriateRevisited

For this year’s AAPI Heritage Month, I will take each day to pull one of my favourite posts or pieces from the…

Japanese American National Museum will Acquire Collection of Incarceration Artifacts | #StopRago

Last month, I blogged about a large collection of artifacts from Japanese American incarceration that was originally collected by folk…