Warren Releases Extensive Plan for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders

Disclosure: After supporting the Castro campaign to its end, I recently indicated my public support for the Warren campaign. Coinciding…

Just Show Up: A Field Guide to Campaign Volunteering in Iowa – as an Asian American from California

By Guest Contributor: Kevin Xu, Model Majority Podcast Last week, I traveled from my home in San Francisco, California to…

Republican Senator Compares Trump Impeachment Hearing to Japanese American Incarceration

Republican Senator John Kennedy’s statements earlier this week would be laughable if they weren’t so ahistorical and trivializing of racial…

Andrew Yang’s Problematic Reinforcement of the Model Minority Myth

Tonight, Silicon Valley entrepreneur Andrew Yang joined the nine other top Democratic presidential candidates on the debate stage at Texas…

Trump’s Title X ‘Gag Rule’ Hurts Asian American Women and Other WOC Who Need Access to Reproductive Healthcare

The Trump administration is holding true to the president’s campaign trail promise to wage a war on women, and the…

Building Power at the Intersection of Race and Electoral Politics

By Guest Contributor: Sudip Bhattacharya After Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s upset primary win against the establishment Democrat in New York’s 14th Congressional…

Oakland Unified School District Votes to Cut Program Serving Asian American and Pacific Islander Students

With reporting from Reappropriate intern V. Huynh. “Today is a historic day in the city of Oakland where teachers, educators…