One of these men played the unscrupulous Hong Kong money man in The Dark Knight. The other was a noble if frazzled scientist in The Martian. Both are fantastic actors, but only one is slated to appear as Wong opposite Benedict Cumberbatch in the upcoming Dr. Strange.
But, I guess, according to The Hollywood Reporter, these two men are one and the same.
Tweep (and friend to this blog) @loudlysilent noticed earlier today that a Hollywood Reporter article announcing Benedict Wong’s casting in Dr. Strange mistakenly displayed a picture of Chin Han, who’s not only not the same Asian man as Benedict Wong but he’s also not even in the same live-action comic book universe. By the time the tweet was posted, the article had been corrected with a picture of the real Benedict Wong, but not before THR was momentarily caught committing an “all Asians look the same” error red-handed.
The mistake comes just days after Angry Asian Man noticed that THR had confused two other Asian men — Kelvin Yu and Alan Yang.

One time might be an accident. But, twice in three days, though? There’d better be someone over at THR offices being called to the principal’s office tomorrow morning.