There are just 8 days left to raise $8,000 for MILLIONS, the web series, on KickStarter. The filmmakers have raised about $6,500 through a lot of hard work pushing their project in the community, but all of that will be for naught if they don’t hit the $8,000 mark. If you haven’t donated yet, please do so.
Here’s the latest email from Andrew, one of the filmmakers behind the project:
What up!It’s been awhile since I’ve made an update so… here I are! Our campaign is nearing its end – 9 days left!!!! – so you know what that means? We kick it into high gear!
Pledges have been slowing down, and we’re still a little over $1,500 away from our goal. So tell your friends, family, long lost relatives, strangers on the street, ex-girlfriends/boyfriends, stalkers, everyone! Post the Kickstarter link on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Myspace, your front door, everywhere!! You are the heart and soul of our campaign, so we need you now more than ever!
I also wanted to point out a few other blogs that have made mention of us:
8Asians: http://www.8asians.com/2010/10/07/help-fund-millions-a-web-series/
Asians on Film: http://www.asiansonfilm.com/2010/10/andrew-chung-minus-the-windsock/
AATheory: http://aatheory.com/2010/10/millions-needs-your-help/
And lastly, last weekend we held a Pre-Launch Fundraising Party for the show. The money raised there would be added to our budget attained here, because yes, $8k is still not enough! You can check out some photos at the event at our Facebook page here: www.facebook.com/MillionsTheSeries (“Like” it already!)
A full video of the event will go up some time after our Official Site launches (around the end of our Kickstarter campaign – but I’ll keep you posted).
Also, subscribe to our YouTube channel if you haven’t already! www.youtube.com/MillionsTheSeries
There’ll be a ton of videos coming once the site launches, so you don’t want to miss out!
Man, begging, pleading, and plugging is so tiring…
Thanks again for all the support everyone!!
And for those of you who still haven’t checked out the Mixtape, here it is: