Remember that shockingly racist, god-awful, yet unintentionally hilarious parody gold-mine, “Evil Chinese Professor” political ad from last week?
Yeah, that one…
Well, Reappropriate is teaming up with Angry Asian Man, Disgrasian, and 8Asians to host the “Evil Chinese Professor” meme-off! The rules are pretty simple:
- Download the blank “Evil Chinese Professor” .mov video file (or grab the .zip package that contains some extra goodies like a helpful script).
- Make a creative and funny parody.
- Upload your vid to YouTube.
- Send your YouTube link to [email protected] before November 27th (Bruce Lee’s birthday, because really… how appropriate…).
We will judge all the entries, and the winners will receive an awesome prize pack!
So, scoot! Get to the vid-making!
Update I: Hyphen Magazine and ChannelAPA have also signed on as co-sponsors of this contest.
Update II: The fabulous gentlemen behind Secret Identities: The Asian American Superhero Anthology are on board! Will an autographed copy of Secret Identities be in the prize pack? I hope so…!