Dear Governor Brewer,
I know things are kind of tough for you right now.
It looks like Arizona is getting boycotted and sued left, right, and center over those new immigration laws you helped push through the State Legislature so you could win over the Tea Party extremists in November. And, although you seem convinced of your own moral supremacy when it comes to the illegal immigration problem — after all, who else would have the gall to request a predator drone from the federal government to help patrol the U.S.-Mexico border? — it must really get your goat that prominent Arizona Democrats, such as current Attorney General (and gubernatorial opponent) Terry Goddard, have vocally opposed SB 1070.
But, singing frog handpuppets aside, you need to find other ways to express your rage at being disagreed with. And, by that I don’t mean getting the State Legislature to give you permission to hire private counsel to defend Arizona in lawsuits because you don’t trust Goddard to do his freakin’ job. You know what we call that? “You’re either with us or against us” Dubya-style cronyism and abuse of power.
And no, Governor Brewer, that’s not a compliment.
Act Now! Sign up to help support the Goddard campaign, and oust this loony from the governorship.