We Are All Cyborgs: Being Asian American and Doing Organizing Online | #APAHM2014
Guest-post by Cayden Mak (@Cayden), 18MillionRising. I recently remarked to a longtime Twitter friend that I feel we live in…
Asian American feminism, politics, and pop culture
Asian American feminism, politics, and pop culture
Guest-post by Cayden Mak (@Cayden), 18MillionRising. I recently remarked to a longtime Twitter friend that I feel we live in…
With the growing usage of Twitter as a platform for social justice discussion and organization, a persistent question has been…
In the wake of the #AsianPrivilege response hash-tag to #NotYourAsianSidekick and #BlackPowerYellowPeril, it appears as if (among other misguided ideas)…
I’ve been blogging in the Asian American blogosphere for over a decade, and in that time, I’ve fundamentally believed that…
We’re going in on Day 5 of #NotYourAsianSidekick, the hash-tag that blew up the Twitterverse with a conversation on Asian…
In the wake of the hugely viral #NotYourAsianSidekick Twitter conversation, Al Jazeera America’s “The Stream” asked the Twitterverse today, “what…
Over the weekend, something magical happened. Suey Park (@suey_park) — graduate student and activist — rallied Asian American feminists to…