Michelle Obama Announces anti-Childhood Obesity Campaign
“Let’s Move”. Ridiculous name, cool new initiative out of the Obama administration. Called The Let’s Move campaign, the program focuses…
Asian American feminism, politics, and pop culture
Asian American feminism, politics, and pop culture
“Let’s Move”. Ridiculous name, cool new initiative out of the Obama administration. Called The Let’s Move campaign, the program focuses…
I was delighted to read this afternoon that the First Lady is gearing up for a campaign to end childhood…
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Last night on Keith Olbermann, Olbermann asked Daily Kos…
So, a guy tried to light his penis on fire on an airplane last week, and now we’re having a…
Sarah Palin’s got no shortage of embarassing moments in her personal history. From an unflattering, and much lampooned, interview with…
I don’t know if the #1 is an implication that there are more lazy link-blogs to come, but here are a…
In a news story only Fox News could publish, with Tuesday’s election results comes the headline: “Whites Become Minority on NYC…
Although predictable to all but the most politically obtuse, John Liu made history yesterday when he overwhelmingly won the position…
(Picture taken at Hotel Congress on November 4th, 2008 moments after Obama delivered his acceptance speech) 365 days ago, today,…
Hey, remember that justice of the peace who refused to preside over the civil union of an interracial couple who wanted to…
The LA Times has a story out today on a report released by the Asian Pacific American Legal Center detailing the Asian…