Fox News Receives Massive Petition in Protest of Racist “Watters’ World” Segment

On Sunday, The O’Reilly Factor host Bill O’Reilly claimed that Fox News had received virtually no backlash in response to the racist ‘Watters’ World’…

It’s Not About Watters; It’s About Fox

By Guest Contributor: Kelvin Yudianto In the middle of heated racial tensions and xenophobia permeating the U.S., Asian Americans found ourselves…

Bill O’Reilly: Racist ‘Watters’ World’ Segment “Wasn’t Over The Line”

On October 9, 2016’s episode of Fox News Sunday, Bill O’Reilly was asked about a ‘Watters’World’ segment aired on O’Reilly…

Pro-Trump Group Shares Super Racist Anti-Asian Meme

(H/T P.D.) Yesterday, a Facebook group called “Wisconsin for Trump” — which has more than 25,000 likes — shared a super…

Fox News’ Jesse Watters Should Be Held Accountable for Racist Segment

After news broke yesterday of Fox News’ airing of one of the most breathtakingly racist anti-Asian network news segments in recent memory,…

Fox News Airs Appallingly Racist anti-Asian Segment

This is a new low, even for Fox News. Earlier this week, Fox’s O’Reilly Factor aired a jaw-droppingly racist segment about Asian…

The Unbearable Silence of the World in the Face of Those Whose Lives Were Taken

By Guest Contributor: Ammara Khursheed July 6th 2016: At work, I check Facebook, my newsfeed is flooded with images of the…

Dear NBC/Universal: The Mail-Order Bride Industry of Human Trafficking Isn’t Funny

Yesterday, Deadline reported that NBC/Universal had purchased an option for a possible half-hour sitcom based on a web series called Mail…

Why and How Asian Americans Must Mobilize for Black Lives

By Guest Contributor: Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin (@KaelaMeiShing) Black lives matter.  Full stop. Any discussion of police violence against American lives must…

The Long Road Ahead: Why Black Lives Matter For a Muslim American Woman

By Guest Contributor: Anisa Khalifa (@anisakhalifa_) After the killings of this past week, it feels on some level as if…