Department of Justice Demands Harvard Admissions Records in Affirmative Action Investigation

Spurred by a complaint lodged by conservative anti-affirmative action Asian American groups, the Department of Justice launched an investigation into…

Sexual Assault Survivor Released From ICE Detention After Massive Social Media Campaign

After weeks and months of organizing by immigration rights groups, sexual assault victims’ rights groups, and social media users, rape…

Asian American Candidates Targeted by Racist Campaign Mailers Win School Board Election

In a repudiation of racist campaign mailers sent to the residents of Edison, New Jersey, the school board candidates targeted…

Over 100 Cambodian American Refugees Face Deportation after Targeted ICE Round-Up

The Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) reports that over one hundred Cambodian American refugees have been arrested and detained…

Open Letter: Reappropriate Supports the Asian American Studies Working Group at Duke University

For several years, students at Duke University have been working tirelessly to implement an Asian American Studies Program for students.…