Crazy Rich Asians and How Hollywood Constructs Race Under Global Capitalism

By Guest Contributor: Alison Roh Park This essay originally appeared on Medium. Within six months of Crazy Rich Asians’ much…

Reflecting on ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ and Being “Asian Enough” as an Asian American Adoptee

By Guest Contributor: Katie Mantele (@chenqiaoling) On August 15, 2018, the release of Crazy Rich Asians was celebrated by members…

Crazy Broke Asians: Asian America’s Forgotten Fight

By Guest Contributor: Do Nguyen Mai Media is already saturated with unnecessary and unrealistic displays of wealth. Crazy Rich Asians…

Looking Back at a Road Not Taken and Forward Towards a Future Inspired by Crazy Rich Asians

By Guest Contributor: Celeste Pewter (@celeste_pewter) The first time I told my parents I wanted to be an actor, I…